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Alessandro Solbiati

Playing Music

Growing up I thought I would play piano as a profession. Things ended up differently, but I kept exploring different styles and instruments over the year.

Classical Piano

I spent the first ten years of my musical career with a standard classical piano education, since the age of 8.

This recording is from the Yamaha Asia Music Scholarship 2017 competition held in Shanghai, where I got a second place.

Some of my other public recordings include

Jazz Piano

At 16 I turned to jazz studying under Aldo Radaelli, a local jazz player from Milano.

My style follows the classic jazz from the 1950's, with my references being Bill Evans and Miles Davis.

I also recorded some duos with the drummer Mario Solbiati, also my grandfather.


I couldn't always bring a piano along with me, so I bought a violin and started studying.

You can also watch me playing violin on the street, cause why should I do my violin exercise at home when I can do them en plein air.


My current company has a music room with drums so after 6 months there I picked up jazz drumming pretty eagerly.

So far drums is the instruments I enjoy playing the most, strongly recommended!

Classical Guitar

None of the previous instruments shines for apartment accessibility, so during the COVID-19 lockdown I bought a guitar and started playing classical pieces.

Most surprising fact is that guitar hurts your fingers pretty bad, and every guitarist went through a painful process of forming calli on their fingers.


Most recently I am experimenting in joining musical instruments and computational instruments, two areas that fascinate me but are rarely intersected.

Also uploading some arrangements on my soundcloud.